The field of Oral Medicine specializes with the diagnosis and medical management of patients with diseases affecting oral and paraoral structures. Specialists trained in this field provide dental and oral health care for medically compromised patients and those patients with medical diseases that affect dental treatment, including those receiving treatment for various ailments like Hypertension/Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, infectious diseases and malignancy,
Oral Radiology involves the imaging, interpreting and diagnosing diseases affecting the dentomaxillofacial complex including head and neck region.
Though all Dentists receive predoctoral training in these fields, the complex patient requires a Clinician with specialized training in this field.
Department has two sections, Clinical and Radiology. Radiology Department is divided into intra oral and extra oral radiology
Clinical training is aimed at providing exposure of the students to the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of oral diseases, the assessment and management of systemic diseases with oral manifestations and the dental management of medically complex patients along with dental caries and its complications. The Students are also trained in performing basic chair side investigations necessary for the diagnosis of the lesion.
The students are taught about the radiodiagnosis of the dento-maxillofacial complex after they gain knowledge about the basics of radiation, its uses, hazards and protection. They also would gain knowledge on advanced imaging modalities like ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET scan, so that they could be able to decide the appropriate investigation needed for the patients and be able to interpret the results.
Facilities available
- Intra oral radiography
- Radiovisiography
- Digital OPG including Lateral Cephologram
- Maxillofacial Radiography

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