EBSCO Information Services provides a complete and optimized research solution comprised of research databases, e-books and e-journals—all combined with the most powerful discovery service and management resources to support the information and collection development needs of libraries and other institutions and to maximize the search experience for researchers and other end users.
EBSCO offers more than 375 full-text and secondary research databases and over 550,000 e-books plus subscription management services for 360,000 e-journals, e-journal packages and print journals. EBSCO also provides point-of-care decision support tools for healthcare professionals and organizational learning resources for training and development professionals.
EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers whether they access EBSCO resources via academic institutions, schools, public libraries, hospitals and medical institutions, corporations, associations, government institutions, etc.
Click on Below link to access the site
https://search.ebscohost.com/ (Contact Library for user id and Password)