A state of the art dental clinic with sophisticated infrastructure, equipped with endosonics, cryosurgery, ultrasonic scalers, orthopantomography, digital radiography, computerised cephalometrics, laser fluorescence carrier detectors as well as several other recent paraphernalia in each dental specialty. Excellent air-conditioned laboratory facilities especially phantom head labs, equipped with 100 dental workstations for pre-clinical training simulating dental treatment. A well equipped Central Laboratory (Bego) for crown and bridge fabrication to gain technical skills in dentistry.
The Dental Materials museum of our college is one of the best in the country, with an invaluable collection of several fabricated models and various materials that are used in dentistry. For the undergraduate training programme, the college has air-conditioned lecture halls equipped with LCD facilities. Besides these facilities, the college also provides dental health to the public through its various satellite centres in and around Manipal. The Center for Advanced Courses in Dentistry is equipped with the very best of facilities such as the Empress II system for all ceramic work, Obtura II Injectable Thermoplasticized Gutta Percha system, Diagnodent, Friacom and a Closed Circuit Television system, all of which enrich the teaching – learning experience. Besides the infrastructure of the college, the well equipped laboratories and clinics of various departments of the University viz. Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Institute of Technology support various academic and research activities.
Each department has its own lab, the details of which can be viewed in the specific departments.